Email 'Sign Up'
We don't send out many emails, but there are occasions when we'd like to keep our customers informed of any sales, promotions, or new products.
To subscribe, simply send us an email with 'subscribe' included in the email or subject title.
You can unsubscribe at any time, by emailing us 'unsubscribe'.
Langhorns respects your rights to privacy and we are committed to responsible e-marketing.
We only save email addresses electronically, and don't store any other personal information for marketing purposes.
Any other personal information given & collected (e.g. for order or quotation purposes) is stored as a physical paper record.
It is not digitally stored, and is only used/processed in association with that specific purpose. All paper records are securely archived
We NEVER give your email address or any other personal information to any third parties, and will only ever share relevant content with you.
If you want us to stop you can unsubscribe at any time, through our website or links included on any email we send.